So Sunday morning with plenty of those fresh flour tortillas left I fried a pound of sausage and about 4 eggs and put together some nice breakfast tortillas. I really like the local tacos stands chorizo / egg burritos but these mostly American style tacos are kinda hard to beat.

I have three Aunts getting on up in their years, one on the Rhudy side and two on the Calhoun side, that I wanted to visit yesterday and I always like to take a little something and yesterday it was Pot Roast. That might not sound like normal Memorial day fare but I wanted to take that because it was my favorite Sunday afternoon meal at Granny Calhoun’s house and I thought Aunt Mildred and Marylou would enjoy it. I gave it a good sear on the little Portable Kitchen Cast Aluminum Grill and then removed them to half pans with some broth and covered to finish in the Backwoods Chubby. Of course you have to have plenty of potatoes, carrots, onions, celery and we did, but we kinda cheated and did those in one of the two half pans in the meat broth after the meat was done. We did this Sunday with plans to make our rounds with it Monday.

Since the pot roast wasn’t going to get done in time for us to have Sunday, I picked up a bottom round roast for some Chopped Sirloin (bottom round). I really like this with a tossed salad, baked potato, and roll – gotta have a lil 57 or A1 though.

Now that seems like an awful lot of cooking and it was but, we were not finished yet. I'm pretty sure the week got a little long for me and I kinda just gave out or something because what we cooked last night wasn't fit to eat and in fact I through out some Potato / Cauliflower Salad. It's the first thing I remember that was so bad I threw it away. What happend was I thought it would be a good idea to start the pototoes and cauliflower to boiling and turn it off and put a lid on it and they would be perfect when we returned from visiting the aunts. Wrong. The cauliflower was so over cooked that when I tried to mix up the salad it turned into water. Bummer. Being peaved about the salad, I rushed the chicken breast and took them up a lil too soon - they were still good and can aways be cooked a lil more but, I also left my cooker on wide open with the 80 dollar themopen sitting on top of it.