Mexican food has always been a favorite of mine and I am very fortunate to have enjoyed authentic dishes right here in Dalton, Ga that are as good as they come. One dish that I always like was Machaca con Huevos (Jerky and Eggs). The meat market always keeps a pan of their store made jerky on top of the counter, so when I picked up some chorizo the other day I remembered this dish and immediately thought if jerky is good in eggs it's bound to make some really good Quesadillas. You can try breaking it in pieces and whirling it in a blender or food processor to shred it but the best way is to break it in pieces and then pound it till it shreds and you can then pull it apart. I didn't do either, I just used a heavy cleaver and cut it in match stick pieces. That's about all there is to quesadillas but boy are they good.

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