First thing you have to understand about FREEZER DIVING is that the stuff you put in the freezer had to have been good to start with for it to be good on your second go around. I started Saturday morning by throwing some flap meat off the spare ribs and a ham bone in a big pot on a slow simmer for some soup Sunday. That took a few hours and another few to cool enough to pick the meat off that ham bone, then I strained the broth and let it cool enough to slide in the fridge till Sunday to get that fat off the top. It still seemed like the broth would be too rich so didn't use it all. Onions, garlic, carrot, celery, roasted and peeled hatch green chili peppers, chayote squash, pasta, and cilantro and lemon to serve with crusty bread. Chayote squash is one of my favorite things to go into a pot of soup, I highly recommend giving it a try if you have never had it before. Steak can be a little boring but not this time for me because it was Ribeye and a couple little Lamb Chops, Lamb and Beef, what could be better - life is good. I had never taken the time to par boiled the little new potatoes first before roasting and from now own that little step will not be skipped. Those lil suckers were getting crisp before they were brown - a few dried herbs, one being chives and these were dang near as good as the meat. Sunday morning breakfast was a couple of BONELESS PORK CHOPS that were frozen in a tupper ware container along with the cabbage and onions they were smothered with, Sue just took the meat out and scrapped off the cabbage and heated those in a skillet and made gravy with them still in the skillet and we served that over hard toast with hot pickled eggs and some of those leftover taters. We still got some more freezer diving to do but if it all turns out this good I can't complain.

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